Porridge is an art in Scotland – there’s even a golden spurtle award for the best porridge making (a spurtle is the special tool used to stir the dish in the pot). It really is a great weekend breakfast if you don’t have time to cook it up during the week, but it doesn’t take an awful lot longer than pouring milk over cereal to be honest! Our version doesn’t include salt or sugar or milk in its manufacture… pure and simple! Add whatever you like as a topping – we definitely think it needs your input to make it more interesting and tasty. Our measurements serve one.
35 g porridge oats
22o ml cool water
topping of your choice – dried and fresh fruit, nuts, honey, date syrup, milk, yoghurt etc
1. In a heavy based pan, add the oats to the water and stir with a spurtle or small wooden spoon over a gentle to medium heat. You need to continuously stir the porridge to get a smooth and even consistency. Once the porridge has reached bubbling point, immediately remove it from the heat and serve straight away along with the toppings of your preference.