Soup is soup. Perfect for a warm lunch or light evening dinner or a starter. This has a delicate flavour and is beautifully smooth. We really appreciate food that’s quick to prepare, maximising on good flavour. Once you’ve trimmed the veg, this couldn’t be simpler or quicker!
500 g leeks (trimmed weight)
500 g celeriac (trimmed weight)
3 cloves garlic
Juice of 1/2 lemon
1 litre stock
Olive oil
1. In a large soup pan, gently sauté garlic in a tablespoon of olive oil but be careful not to brown. Add the chopped celeriac and the chopped leeks. Stir for a few minutes and add the hot stock to cover. Bring to the boil and simmer for 15 – 20 minutes.
2. Liquidize with a stick blender. Season with black pepper and lemon juice. Thin with a little water or non dairy milk if necessary. Heat through and serve with a swirl of soya cream and a sprinkling of parsley.